y separately published work icon The Queenslander newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1930... 26 June 1930 of The Queenslander est. 1866 The Queenslander
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* Contents derived from the , 1930 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Diversion, Allan Morris , single work short story satire
Woman tries to escape rut of middle-aged marriage and is allowed to complain that she might want to go out after a day's drudgery at home, but soon learns the error of her ways and goes back to pleasing husband
(p. 6)
Contract Price, E. Norton , single work short story
Tractor driver who cheats another over getting a contract job short-changes himself of a better job in the town he slips out of.
(p. 6)
Tribute to Essex Evans, single work column
An account of a gathering of Toowoomba residents to pay tribute at a monument of George Essex Evans.
(p. 64)