Issue Details: First known date: 1982... 1982 All That Dirt : Aborigines 1938
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* Contents derived from the Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Australian National University , 1982 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Is The Ward Clean?, Oomera Edwards , single work criticism

'Case study of Jane King, Aboriginal girl sent to Cootamundra Home in 1923 by the Aborigines Welfare Board; describes the effect on her of institutionalization , particularly its obsession with hygiene and a denial of Aboriginality. ' (Source: TROVE)

(p. 4-8)
A Double headed coin, Peter Read , single work (p. 9-28)
The West Australian and Aborigines : A Content Analysis, Jennie Carter , single work (p. 29-43)
On the Inside : Moore River Native Settlement in the 1930s, Anna Haebich , single work (p. 44-66)
Before Grog, Before Wages, Before the Japanese War : The Northern Territory in 1938 and some Station Routines, Ann McGrath , single work (p. 67-82)
To the Editor of 'The Ladder', Mona Burton , single work (p. 83)
After The Outward Appearance : Scientists, Administrators and Politicians, Andrew Markus , single work (p. 83-106)