y separately published work icon Koori Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2009... no. 445 25 February 2009 of Koori Mail est. 1991 Koori Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2009 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Radio Larrakia 94.5i"Theres a radio station by the", Luke S. Morcom , single work poetry (p. 23)
Oodgeroo's Words Carried Special Meaning, Margaret Benson , single work correspondence (p. 25)
A Song of Hopei"Look up, my people,", Oodgeroo Noonuccal , single work poetry (p. 25)
Women Lined Up For Some Straight Talk, single work column
'Some the countries most inspirational and courageouse Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander women will gather in national capital in on Friday, 27th February, for the historic "Straight Talk" national summit.' Source Koori Mail 25th February 2009.
(p. 36)
Note: Portrait of: Nova Peris and Ruby Hunter.
Document Resurfaces, single work column
The National Museum of Australia has acquired a historic document which was presented by William Barak to former Victorian Premier Graham Berry in 1886.
(p. 39)
New Book's Focus is on Our History, Margaret Smith , single work review (p. 46)
30 Years on, Play Highly Relevant, single work review
— Review of The Man from Mukinupin : A Musical Play in Two Acts Dorothy Hewett , 1979 single work musical theatre ;
(p. 50)
Note: Portrait of Wesley Enoch.
Enora Flies Again, Christine Howes , single work review
— Review of Enora and the Black Crane Raymond Meeks , 1991 single work picture book ;
(p. 52)
Note: Portrait of Arone Meeks.
Darwin the Place for Even More Yarning Up, single work column
Second series of the Yarning up documentary series kicked off in Darwin February 2009.
(p. 53)
Major Funding for Marrugeku Theatre Compay, single work column (p. 54)
WA Pair Win Rob Riley Prizes, single work column (p. 57)