Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 18 (Arabic) June 2004 of Kalimat est. 2000 Kalimat : An International Periodical of English and Arabic Creative Writing
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
القمر...أغنية إلى الأبد Snowflakes, Raghid Nahhas , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work column (p. p.5-14)
خواجا خليل, Raghid Nahhas , single work short story (p. p.67-68)
أفكار على القماش Afkar 'ala al-Kimash Reflections on Canvas, Jean Menere , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work short story (p. p.69-73)
الدائرة المغلقة al-Da'irah al-Mughlakah Closed Circle, Astra Warren , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work short story (p. 15-18)
إيفا ساليس: الإبداع أدباً وسياسةً Eva Salees: al-Ibda'a Adaban w Siyasatan Eva Sallis : Creativity in Literature and Politics, Raghid Nahhas , single work criticism (p. 31-40)
من هذه الأرض Min hathih al-Ard "نترك أحذيتنا عند الباب" From This Earthi"We leave our shoes at the door", Leon Trainor , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 43)
من القمة Min al-Kimmah "لنمسكها طالما تدوم" From the Summiti"Let us seize it while it lasts.", Leon Trainor , single work poetry (p. 44)
حكم مؤبد Hikam Mu'abad "أنا حاجة على مسار الكابة" Life Sentence, Clarissa Stein , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 45)
أخبار اليوم: أزهار زيتون تتفتح Akhbar al-Yawm: Azhar Zaytoun Tatafatah "عبر البحر طلوعاً إلى الشمال" Today's News : Olive Blossoms Open, Clarissa Stein , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 46-47)
أرشيف الأمل Arsheef al-Amal "بالأمس، مشيت إلى أرشيف الأمل" Archives of Hopei"Yesterday I walked into the archives of hope", Clarissa Stein , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 47-48)
يقظة الصباح Yakathat as-Sabah "ملتحمين بمقاعد معدنية" Morning Vigili"Welded to metal benches", Louise Wakeling , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 49-51)
هنا، وهناك Huna, w Hunak ""هنا"، ورعب "هناك" الذي لا يوصف" Here, And Therei"Here, the speechless horror of there.", Louise Wakeling , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 51-52)
المكتبة الوطنيّة، بغداد al-Maktabah al-Wataniyyah, Baghdad, 2003 "في غضون الحرب" The National Library of Baghdad 2003i"you don't like to think about libraries, as a rule -", Louise Wakeling , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work poetry (p. 53-54)
The Road to Glebe, Hyacinth Ailwood , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work short story (p. 74-75)
كعكة عيد الميلاد Ka'kat Eid Al-Milad The Christmas Cake, Greg Bogaerts , Raghid Nahhas (translator) single work short story (p. 76-79)