y separately published work icon Australian Women's Book Review periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: AWBR
Issue Details: First known date: 1995... vol. 7 no. 2 June 1995 of Australian Women's Book Review est. 1989 Australian Women's Book Review
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* Contents derived from the , 1995 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Greek Heartlands, Loula Rodopoulos , single work review
— Review of Re-Telling the Tale : Poetry and Prose by Greek-Australian Women Writers 1994 anthology short story drama extract poetry ;
(p. 2-3)
Labyrinthi"A breathing stirs the vineyard", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry (p. 4)
Blue Beach with Mermaid/2i"My mermaid drowning", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry (p. 4)
Migranti"You knew how it would be before you came:", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry (p. 4)
On Not Being Sylvia, Maryanne Lynch , single work review
— Review of Pearl and Sea Fed Louise Crisp , 1994 selected work poetry ; Flying the Coop : New and Selected Poems 1972-1994 Rhyll McMaster , 1994 selected work poetry ;
(p. 5-6)
Speaking Spaces, Cath Kenneally , single work review
— Review of Off the Air : Nine Plays for Radio Elizabeth Jolley , 1995 selected work drama ;
(p. 6-7)
Reading the Body, Rose Lucas , single work review
— Review of Eating the Experience Rebecca Edwards , 1994 selected work poetry ; Cicatriced Histories Shane Rowlands , 1994 selected work poetry ;
(p. 9-10)
Listening to Medusa, Joy Wallace , single work review
— Review of Poet Without Language Hazel Smith , 1994 selected work poetry ;
(p. 28-29)
Mysterious Co-Writing as A.K.Aye, Hazel Edwards , single work review
— Review of Formula for Murder : Featuring Sleuth Roz Parker A. K. Aye , 1995 single work novel ;
(p. 30-31)
Crimes and Misdemeanours, Jan Coady , single work review
— Review of A Modern Woman and Other Crimes 1994 anthology short story ;
(p. 31-32)
Privilege, Patricia Nairn , single work short story (p. 32-33)
Looking for Venusi"Beneath a tarpaulin of stars, harps", Michelle A. Taylor , single work poetry (p. 33)
Modern Liaisons and Ancestral Curses, Maureen Bettle , C. A. Woolard , single work review
— Review of Adultery Maurilia Meehan , 1995 single work novel ; The Childstone Cycle Kerry Greenwood , 1994 single work novel ;
(p. 36-37)
Against All Odds, Julie Taylor , single work review
— Review of Voices from Elsewhere : Contemporary Stories and Poems from Country Queensland 1994 anthology short story poetry ;
(p. 37-38)
My Motheri"She stole", Kate Morris , single work poetry (p. 39)