y separately published work icon Writing Macao periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 2 2004 of Writing Macao est. 2003 Writing Macao
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
TCKi"For you to be a foreigner", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
Skipping Rainbowi"A rainbow reached the shore", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
Stationsi"I lived ten years at the Gate of the Gods", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
Meditation of a Mask Makeri"I was happy then,", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
Enemy Countryi"'Now we are in an enemy country,'", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
The Inner Facei"Only the inner face", Solrun Hoaas , single work poetry
The Lift, Christopher Kelen , single work short story
The Gweilo Wins, Christopher Kelen , single work short story
I Saw Dragons, Christopher Kelen , single work short story
Fuel Injectioni"Admiring the silver trees", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Kambah Pooli"A bend in the river water's clouded by green mud", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Emperyi"Empery O empery flourish in the moonlight", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Fissioni"White glow melts life", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Java Idylli"Cars breed like rats in Jakarta,", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
The Ramayanai"Business as usual on Kuta Beach", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Extreme Orienti"A barge adrift the Perfumed River -", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Jack Blizzardi"Open the refrigerator and it laughs", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
House of Ratsi"They're up there, all right,", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
The No-Food Restauranti"I'm Popeye the Sailor", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry
Mekongi"Happy Viet Cong and their children", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry