y separately published work icon Snorkel periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... no. 1 April 2005 of Snorkel est. 2005 Snorkel
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Sirensi"Container ships", David Musgrave , single work poetry
Freeman's Reach, Hawkesbury Riveri"Out of the silence, a team of ducks", David Musgrave , single work poetry
Any Place to Goi"It was days later. Not long after we left the convent", Michael Brennan , single work poetry
From Town to Towni"I should tell you, it's nothing like home.", Michael Brennan , single work poetry
Coast Roadsi"Nipples hard as bullets, that's how her way", Michael Brennan , single work poetry
Sirius Cove (from: A Mosman Notebook)i"We always know much more than we can see.", Vivian Smith , single work poetry
Note: Title here is simply 'Sirius Cove'
Night Lifei"Disturbed at 2 a.m. I hear a claw", Vivian Smith , single work poetry
Tribesco Krowei"stencil this: a persistent drone", David Prater , single work poetry
Haiku: [Enjambement]i"enjambement", David Prater , single work poetry
Impossible Socksi"socks from guernsey socks", David Prater , single work poetry
To Anoint Youi"You slid from me in a gush, my love", Melissa Bellanta , single work poetry