y separately published work icon Bookseller + Publisher Magazine periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... vol. 88 no. 5 Summer 2008-2009 2008 of Bookseller + Publisher Magazine est. 2006 Bookseller + Publisher Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Wheeling and Dealing, single work column (p. 11)
Frankfurt: Record Crowds, but Some Signs of a Slow-Down, Tim Coronel , single work column (p. 12-14)
Australia, Canada and New Zealand Agree to Form a 'Coalition', Andrew Wilkins , single work column
Andrew Wilkins reports on an agreement between Australian, Canadian and New Zealand publishers to 'pursue closer cooperation' between the three markets.
(p. 16)
Frankfurt Wheeling & Dealing, single work column (p. 17)
Listen Up!, Eamon Evans , single work column (p. 20-21)
[Review] The Household Guide To Dying, Scott Whitmont , single work review
— Review of The Household Guide To Dying Debra Adelaide , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 22)
[Review] The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet, Ingrid Heyn , single work review
— Review of The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet Colleen McCullough , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 22)
[Review Essay] The Lieutenant, Anastasia Gonis , single work review
— Review of The Lieutenant Kate Grenville , 2008 single work novel ;
(p. 24)
[Review] The Lucy Family Alphabet, Paula Grunseit , single work review
— Review of The Lucy Family Alphabet Judith Lucy , 2008 single work autobiography ;
(p. 24)
[Review] The Peasant Prince, Esther Van Doornum , single work review
— Review of The Peasant Prince Cunxin Li , 2007 single work picture book ;
(p. 24)
Ignore at Own Risk, Steve Carey , single work column (p. 26-27)
What the Future Has in Store, Matthia Dempsey , single work column (p. 28)
PoD: The Story Behind 'the Storymaker', Eamon Evans , single work column (p. 30-31)
The E-Price Is ... Right?, Eamon Evans , single work column (p. 32-33)
Smooth Sailing on The Nile, Jethro Marks , single work column (p. 34)
[Review] The Gene Thieves, James Francis , single work review
— Review of The Gene Thieves Maria Quinn , 2009 single work novel ;
(p. 47)
[Review] The Gene Thieves, James Francis , single work review
— Review of The Gene Thieves Maria Quinn , 2009 single work novel ;
(p. 47)
[Review] Lucy Springer Gets Even, Rachel Wilson , single work review
— Review of Lucy Springer Gets Even Lisa Heidke , 2009 single work novel ;
(p. 47)
[Review] New Australian Stories, Stuart Dunstan , single work review
— Review of New Australian Stories 2009 anthology short story ;
(p. 47)
[Review] Pescador's Wake, Lachlan Jobbins , single work review
— Review of Pescador's Wake Katherine Johnson , 2009 single work novel ;
(p. 47)