y separately published work icon Antithesis periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... vol. 18 2008 of Antithesis est. 1987 Antithesis
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* Contents derived from the , 2008 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Vassoi"Eye hev", TT. O , single work poetry (p. 63)
The Loungei"Last night, I met", TT. O , single work poetry (p. 64-66)
Selkirk the Piratei"Once rescued, Selkirk gestured", Philip Neilsen , single work poetry (p. 78-79)
Debit of a Pirate Kinoi"at duumvir the fit climb aboard the trajectory & clutter the", Michael Farrell , single work poetry (p. 80-81)
Nursing in the Outback : Infective Piracy as Colonial Device, Ross Moore , single work criticism (p. 91-113)
No Such Thingi"'Twas on this very deck, I first put eye upon our Prince.", Jeremy Davies , single work poetry (p. 114-117)
Riots in Rotten Hulls : Fortescue Bay, Tasmaniai"(nothing comes in the mornings but the headlands", Stuart Cooke , single work poetry
'This poem uses Tasmanian shipwrecks as a metaphor for the problem of modern language' (Philament contents page).
(p. 118-119)
The Wives of the Chariotsi"But now it was the scent", Stuart Cooke , single work poetry (p. 120-121)