Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 L'Elixir du Dr Gordon [and] Magie Africaine
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* Contents derived from the Paris,
Western Europe, Europe,
Editions Harlequin , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
L'Elixir du Dr Gordon A Father for Christmas, Meredith Webber , Unknown (translator) single work novel romance
Where was his quiet retreat now? - 'What about a live Christmas tree?' Two small faces turned expectantly towards him. 'Live Christmas tree?' Margaret echoed. 'A real tree in a pot,' Richard explained. 'We'll go to the garden centre. If we can find the right tree you can bring it inside and decorate it for Christmas, then afterwards put it out in the garden.' The delight in their brown eyes generated a strange mushy feeling in his intestines. Lack of sleep, he told himself firmly. - back cover (Chatswood, 1998)