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Issue Details: First known date: 1940... 1940 Sextains
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Tallabila Press , 1940 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To Dorothy, Dancingi"Step not so smooth that all in wonder start,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 1)
Sensual Silki"If, foolish Heard, those lithe felicities", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 1)
The Auditi"Sweet, you have cost me dear : so reason swears", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 1)
Moodsi"One stopped me, saying, 'Who, with wits awry,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 2)
Over-Pricedi"I ask no easy shrift : these hands, I own", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 2)
The Miraclei"My heart, its birds away, its branches bare,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 2)
The Heart Remembersi"I thank the gods for all the grace I knew -", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 3)
The Photographi"Thou gav'st me this - how many years ago! -", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 3)
Vanished Youthi"Bravely you entered life : dear girls, you were", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 3)
Disinheritedi"Gone - all are gone - the fresh, the golden years,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 4)
The Bargaini"Life's not mere lasting ; jilt we must or use it -", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 4)
From the Headlandi"The stayless billows, look! a sumless host,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 4)
Ill Circumstancei"This trap of circumstance hath toiled me so", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 5)
Barren Discontinuityi"My days too oft are but a sickness deep", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 5)
Ignoble Farei"Life yields me husks alone ; devouring these -", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 5)
The Adverse Brotherhoodi"Why crowd these fatuous shapes who cumber thus", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 6)
The Questioni"My bridled stomach with such hodmanship,", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 6)
The Whole Evil Lessi"The foe wakes ; and the ill his guil prepared", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 6)
The Real Enemyi"Too much the explicit foe your rancour blames;", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 7)
Sextains : The Master-Foe The Master-Foei"This let who hate me know, & much admire-", William Baylebridge , single work poetry (p. 7)