y separately published work icon The Queenslander newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1921... 3 December 1921 of The Queenslander est. 1866 The Queenslander
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* Contents derived from the , 1921 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Clairvoyant : A Romance of the Northern Tinfields, W. S. (fl. 1921) , single work short story
When a reclusive tin miner is hurt during a partial mine collapse, his rescue is effected by the determined efforts of his mate and a young, sensitive woman.
(p. 3-6) Section: Christmas Stories
More Ne'er-Do-Weels, Mrs. Lance Rawson , single work column
Mrs. Rawson proclaims her loathing of cockroaches and men who stutter and proceeds to give an example of why.
(p. 5-6) Section: Women's Department
The Overseer at Dallas River, Isabel Grant , single work short story
A haughty young woman's brilliant horseriding skills bring her into contact with the man she eventually falls in love with.
(p. 7-9) Section: Christmas Stories
Lola's Pearls : An Incident of the Tropics, J. M. Stevens , single work short story
A young Islander woman gives a man some pearls in payment for helping her to escape her island, where she faces a forced marriage. Once at sea she dies, and the young man faces danger from a shipwreck and from a murderous Chinese sailor who seeks to steal the pearls.
(p. 9-10) Section: Christmas Stories
My Landi"I wish I could utter the soul-songs within me -", P. J. H. , single work poetry (p. 10) Section: Christmas Stories
A Modern Cheap Jack, H. O. , single work short story
Before leaving for active military service, a young man unofficially proposes to a young woman. On his return, he disguises himself to play a practical joke on her, then offers her a ring.
(p. 11) Section: Christmas Stories
When Red Tape Broke Asunder, Patrick Vaux , single work short story
A sailor regrets not being able to visit his wife and newborn baby. However, a mystery on board ship is to his advantage.
(p. 11-12) Section: Christmas Stories
A Bush Mystery, E. M. Radcliffe , single work short story
A 'ne'er-do-well' is offered work on a station, where he seeks to relieve the monotony of the bush through drinking rum. However, it transpires that alcohol is the least of his demons.
(p. 12) Section: Christmas Stories
Cane-Tops and Heather : A North Queensland Story, Mary Guthrie , single work short story
A man rejects his fiance for a younger woman, but soon realises that he has made a mistake.
(p. 13-14) Section: Christmas Stories
Water-Songs, Jean Alexander , single work short story
A young woman succeeds in convincing her widowed best friend, who is also an internationally famous pianist and mother of a precociously gifted child, to come and stay on her Western Queensland cattle station. The child's encounter with a mystery man leads to unanticipated consequences for all.
(p. 15, 17-19) Section: Christmas Stories
Man Stuff, W. E. Brenton , single work short story
A passenger ship is torpedoed by a German submarine and all survivors must board the lifeboats. For the occupants of one boat, the four days spent together prove to be a test of character with surprising results.
(p. 19) Section: Christmas Stories
The Message of the Roses, Myrle Hoy , single work short story
A young Queensland woman takes a trip via ship and rail to visit her relatives in Adelaide for a few weeks. Whilst there, she also finds the man she will marry.
(p. 20) Section: Christmas Stories
Sundown Jimi"He is known as Sundown Jimmy -", C. B. Astley , single work poetry (p. 23) Section: Christmas Stories
Mother and Daughter, single work review
— Review of King Anne Ethel Turner , 1921 single work children's fiction ; The Ship that Never Set Sail Jean Curlewis , 1921 single work novel ;
(p. 38) Section: Literature
Adam Lindsay Gordon : An All Australian Appeal, single work column
A request sent to the editor from a small group of concerned South Australians for financial support to preserve 'Dingley Dell', the former home of poet Adam Lindsay Gordon.
(p. 38) Section: Literature
Wun Lung's Story : A North Queensland Sketch, Mary Guthrie , single work short story
A Chinese man is captured by a group of Aboriginal men.
(p. 50) Section: Sketcher
Madukah's Valley, Culkah , single work short story
The Aboriginal inhabitants of a beautiful valley are ruthlessly killed by a white squatter whose only concern is raising cattle. However, despite gaining the valuable land, things mysteriously start to go wrong for him.
(p. 50) Section: Sketcher
Christmas in the Never-Never, E. O. H. , single work short story
A Christmas in the bush consists of a sumptuous feast innovatively using the minimal supplies available and bush food. The delights offered by a cool billabong enhance the festivities.
(p. 50) Section: Sketcher
The White Gigibinni : The Spirit of the Children, A Northern Woman , single work short story children's
Little fair-haired Una, an only child living on her parents' isolated station, is taken by local Aborigines who believe she is The Great White Giggibinni, Spirit of the Children, who can cure the illness that is killing their children. It is ten years before her parents discover her whereabouts and set about reclaiming her.
(p. 53) Section: The Young Queenslander
Spot, Pan , single work short story children's
Spot's antics keep his owners, twelve-year-old twins, amused and exasperated. However, he proves his worth when a little girl is in imminent danger of being trampled by a bolting horse.
(p. 53) Section: The Young Queenslander