y separately published work icon The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII periodical issue   children's  
Issue Details: First known date: 1930... no. 360 September 1930 of The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII est. 1896-1932 The School Paper : Grades VII and VIII
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* Contents derived from the , 1930 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Earth-Mother, John Sandes , extract poetry (p. 114)
The Coming of Spring in Australia Julyi"'Twas Jack-o'-Winter hailed it first,", J. Le Gay Brereton , single work poetry (p. 114)
Note: With title: The Coming of Spring in Australia.
Song of the Foot-Tracki"Come away, come away from the straightness of the road;", Elsie Clarice Cole , single work poetry (p. 116)
When the Sun Went Down, Henry Lawson , single work short story
Tom rebuffs his brother Jack's attempt at reconciliation after a quarrel. But when his brother is trapped in a collapsing mineshaft Tom works desperately to save him.
(p. 117-119)
Note: With photograph of men at diggings: 'Auri Sacra Fames (The accursed hunger for gold.)'
Gonei"In Collins Street standeth a statue tall,", Adam Lindsay Gordon , single work poetry (p. 119-120)
Note: With portraits of Robert O'Hara Burke (1820-1861) and William John Wills (1834-1861) (unattributed).
O Heart of Spring! Blossoms of Thought "O heart of Spring!" Heart of Spring!i"Oh Heart of Spring", John Shaw Neilson , single work poetry (p. 121)
Australiai"What can we give in return", Dowell O'Reilly , single work poetry (p. 124)
Note: With illus. 'An Australian Beach' 'After a painting by [Melbourne artist] Harold Herbert' (q.v.).
O Land of Widest Hope!i"O land of widest hope, of promise boundless!", John Farrell , extract poetry (p. 127)
Australia, M. K. Searcy , G. M. Searcy (composer), single work lyric/song (p. 128)