y separately published work icon The Queenslander newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1935... 28 November 1935 of The Queenslander est. 1866 The Queenslander
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* Contents derived from the , 1935 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
4000 Miles by Buggy in the Lonely Inland : Rev. R. B. Plowman Completes His Trilogy, C. R. J. (Christian Rasmus Jens) Dahl , single work review
— Review of The Boundary Rider R. B. Plowman , 1935 selected work autobiography short story ;
Dahl relates a few of the stories from Plowman's third book of his autobiogographical trilogy.
(p. 3)
Threepenny Tram Ride, Audrey Jelfs (fl. 1936) , single work short story crime
A beautiful girl, a man in brown and a little old lady riding a tram all participate in an episode involving pickpockets.
(p. 5)
The Trunk, Hector McFarlane , single work short story
A man arrives home early to hear a male voice as well as his wife's in his home but when he enters he sees only his wife. That evening he decides to remove from the lounge room an old trunk that his wife had often complained about and he buries it in the back yard.
(p. 8)
The Threat of Tramsi"So there I was in the city again", Den , single work poetry (p. 33)