y separately published work icon Blue Dog : Australian Poetry periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... vol. 6 no. 11 2007 of Blue Dog est. 2002 Blue Dog : Australian Poetry
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Black Cockatoos above 'Roseville'i"A funeral of cockatoos flies over Camperdown,", Jean Kent , single work poetry (p. 6)
Two Cameos with Flying Objects, Jean Kent , sequence poetry (p. 6-7)
Crows above Kilaben Bayi"At the clothesline, pegging towels", Jean Kent , single work poetry (p. 7)
There Is Nothing To Fear If You've Done Nothing Wrongi"It is a simple ceramic piece", Peter O'Dowd , single work poetry (p. 8)
Reading the Stonesi"These beach stones on my table draw", Helen Parsons , single work poetry (p. 9-10)
Paradise?i"Rebel angels are we,", Susan Hawthorne , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
On Doing a Sensory Exercise She Thinks of Jesusi"landscapes", Gill Goater , single work poetry (p. 12)
Leave-Takingi"The day we scattered your ashes, Dad, a light breeze blew,", Lesley Walter , single work poetry (p. 13)
A Surfeit of Lampreysi"I read a poem aloud to her; a surfeit of blueness, I say", Anne M. Carson , single work poetry (p. 14)
The Lighthouse Keeperi"Beyond the jagged graph of that distant point", Mark O'Flynn , single work poetry (p. 15-17)
Packing is Deathi"Parcelling up sorrow - but this is", Eden Liddelow , single work poetry (p. 18)
Gulch Cevenoli"You break and I cry. Between sky and ground", Eden Liddelow , single work poetry (p. 18-19)
Travels in the Cevennes without a Donkey, Eden Liddelow , sequence poetry (p. 18-20)
The Great Fish of Floraci"A sort of tank holds them, as the stream", Eden Liddelow , single work poetry (p. 19)
Returning on Duty after Absencei"You are returning, now, to death.", Eden Liddelow , single work poetry (p. 19-20)
Fourteeni"we used to sit in the town square and dream drowning dreams", Caitlin Maling , single work poetry (p. 20)
God 1ei"is light, the pixel storm.", Les Wicks , single work poetry (p. 21)
January, Snowi"Today the snow falls", Maria Freij , single work poetry (p. 22)
Mategna's Three Sebastiansi"are perfect: the martyr is in pain.", Lel Sebastian , single work poetry (p. 23)
Likei"Last night, near the jade-shaded", Lel Sebastian , single work poetry (p. 23)