y separately published work icon Victorian Readers : Seventh Book anthology   poetry   children's fiction   extract   prose   drama   essay  
Issue Details: First known date: 1930... 1930 Victorian Readers : Seventh Book
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Victoria Education Department , 1940 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
National Anthem for Federated Australia An Australian Anthem An Australian National Anthemi"Maker of earth and sea,", J. Brunton Stephens , single work poetry (p. 1-2)
Note: With title: An Australian Anthem. Preceded by photograph of 'Commonwealth Houses of Parliament, Canberra'.
Wanderersi"As I rode in the early dawn,", James Hebblethwaite , single work poetry (p. 5-6)
Note: Illustration: 'Three loggers in a row' by Allan T. Bernaldo (q.v.).
Christmas in the Early Days Christmas in the Bush, Edward S. Sorenson , single work essay (p. 7-12)
Note: With title: Christmas in the Early Days.
A Bush Fire, Henry Kingsley , extract novel (p. 13-17)
Branding Cattle, Conrad H. Sayce , extract children's fiction children's adventure (p. 26-30)
Note: Illustration by Allan T. Bernaldo (q.v.).
The Plough The Plowi"From Egypt behind my oxen, with their stately step and slow,", Will H. Ogilvie , single work poetry (p. 36-38)
Note: With title: The Plough. Illustration by W. S. Wemyss (q.v.).
The Great Barrier Reef, E. J. Brady , extract biography travel (p. 52-55)
Note: Illustration by W. S. Wemyss (q.v.).
A Sylvan Solitudei"Here the magpie loves to croon", Frank Samuel Williamson , extract poetry (p. 55)
The Skater and the Wolves, Charles Whitehead , single work children's fiction children's (p. 69-73)
Note: Illustration by John Rowell (q.v.).
The Warrigali"Through forest boles the storm-wind rolls,", Henry Kendall , single work poetry (p. 74-76)
Note: Illustration by John Rowell (q.v.).
Anzac Dayi"The scarlet poppy burns again,", Capel Boake , single work poetry (p. 86-87)
Note: From The Australasian.
The Man from Snowy Riveri"There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around", A. B. Paterson , single work poetry (p. 117-121)
Verselets : 3 : A Song of Roving A Song of Roving A-Rovingi"When the sap runs up the tree,", Victor J. Daley , single work poetry (p. 128-130)
Note: Illustration by John Rowell (q.v.).
The Old Whim Horsei"He's an old grey horse, with his head bowed sadly,", Edward Dyson , single work poetry (p. 147-149)
Note: Illustration: 'He feels the strain on his untouched shoulder' by John Rowell (q.v.).
Nighti"Hark how the tremulous night-wind is passing in joy-laden sighs!", J. Brunton Stephens , extract poetry (p. 220)
Note: First two stanzas included here.