Vince Courtney reports on a day trip on Sydney Harbour with the Chasers. The column is written in mock screenplay form, including a 'cast' list of those present.
The three 'acts' are: Act 1. Scene 1. 'Morning on Wangy's Yacht' ; Act 1. Sceen 2. 'A Chaser Fishing Ground' ; Act 1. Scene 3. 'The Landing at Clifton' ; Act 2. Scene 1. The Chaser Kitchen' ; Act 3. Scene 1. Afternoon Tea on the Yacht.'
The 'Chasers' present on the day in question were : Joe Wangenheim, Dug Rodgers, Norb Coveny, Les Hewett, Bill Kelso, Ike Beck, Mark Higgins, Dick Grouse, Con Durack, Dick Brown, Doody Kelso, Paddy Mitchell, Carl Press, Emile Lazern, Harry Hall, Stan Reynolds, George Meddick and Vince Courtney.