y separately published work icon Antipodean SF periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... no. 109 June-July 2007 of Antipodean SF est. 1998 Antipodean SF
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Elder, Simon Petrie , single work short story science fiction
Dread Seasons Quartet : Pallid Wisps of Snow (Winter), Shane Jiraiya Cummings , single work short story horror
Equal Opportunity, Shaun A. Saunders , single work short story science fiction
Chicken Soup, David Kernot , single work short story science fiction
The Rape of Io, Susan Partridge , single work short story science fiction
Disintegration, Tony Williams , single work short story science fiction
Really Nothing, Owen Godfrey , single work short story science fiction
Tagged, David Such , single work short story science fiction
Bubble, Shaun A. Saunders , single work short story science fiction
Note: A fifty-word story
Vide, Ion Newcombe , single work review
— Review of Dark Space Marianne de Pierres , 2007 single work novel ;