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Issue Details: First known date: 1892... 1892 A Sheaf of Sonnets
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* Contents derived from the Maitland, Maitland area, Hunter Valley, Newcastle - Hunter Valley area, New South Wales,:T. Dimmock , 1892 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
January A Sheaf of Sonnets : I - Januaryi"Over the peaceful earth the early dawn", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 1)
Note: Epigraph: 'Beneath each cloud is a silver lining.' (Longfellow). With title: January.
February A Sheaf of Sonnets : II - Februaryi"The air is still, and as the golden Morn", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 2)
Note: Epigraph: 'Lonely and lovely, a single star/ Lights the air with a dusky glimmer.' (Longfellow). With title: February.
March A Sheaf of Sonnets : III - Marchi"The hours of day are done, and from the skies", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 3)
Note: Epigraph: 'The world is but a rugged road/ Which leads us to the bright abode/ Of peace above. (Longfellow). With title: March : Thoughts at Eventide.
April A Sheaf of Sonnets : IV - Aprili"The night is past; the morn with flooding light", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 4)
Note: Epigraph: 'Nature turns her face/ To every land beneath the skies,/ Counts nothing that she meets with base,/ But lives and loves in every place. (Tennyson). With title: April.
May A Sheaf of Sonnets : V - May, MDCCCXCIIi"The dying light pales slowly in the west;", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 5)
Note: Epigraph: 'The moon and its broken reflection/ And its shadows shall appear/ As the symbol of love in heaven,/ And its wavering image here. (Longfellow). With title: May.
June A Sheaf of Sonnets : VI - Junei"Night's gloomy spell is broken, and the light", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 6)
Note: Epigraph: Like the swell of some sweet tune/ Morning rises into noon,/May glides onward into June. (Longfellow). With title: June.
July A Sheaf of Sonnets : VII - Julyi"The sun has set; over the purple hills", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 7)
Note: Epigraph: Ah! if thy fate, with anguish fraught,/ Should be to wet, the dusky soil/ With the hot tears and sweat of toil,/ Remember in that perilous hour,/ When most afflicted and oppressed,/ From labour there shall come forth rest. (Longfellow). With title: July.
August A Sheaf of Sonnets : VIII - Augusti"Slowly the mists of night are rolled away;", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 8)
Note: Epigraph: 'Joy shall overtake us as a flood.' (Milton). With title: August.
September A Sheaf of Sonnets : IX - Septemberi"A Golden radiance paints the western sky,", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 9)
Note: Epigraph: '...the tender buds expand,/ Emblems of our own great resurrection,/ Emblems of the bright and better land. (Longfellow). With title: September.
October A Sheaf of Sonnets : X - Octoberi"After the night, the beauteous light of dawn", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 10)
Note: Epigraph: 'All things shall rise again in sweeter blossoming.' (Anon.) With title: October.
November A Sheaf of Sonnets : Novemberi"The waves of golden light spread in the East", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 11)
Note: Epigraph: 'What a glory doth this world put on/ For him who with a fervent heart goes forth.' (Longfellow). With title: November.
December A Sheaf of Sonnets : Decemberi"The year's last milestone on the journey home!", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 12)
Note: Epigraph: 'Though the warrior's sun has set/ Its light shall linger round us yet,/ Bright, radiant, blest. (Longfellow). With title: December.
An English Christmastidei"The dying year heaves out its last long breath,", A. J. Rolfe , single work poetry (p. 13)