y separately published work icon Overland periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: The Frightened Country
Issue Details: First known date: 2007... no. 186 Autumn 2007 of Overland est. 1954 Overland
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* Contents derived from the , 2007 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The International of Excreta : World Literature and Its Other, Andrew McCann , single work essay

Andrew McCann suggests that 'Australian literature, for all its cosmopolitanism, does not enter easily, if at all, into the category of what David Damrosch calls 'world literature'. McCann cites a recent example of Henry Lawson's short stories being considered 'too idiosyncratically Australian', and therefore not sufficiently appealing, for an intended international audience of a proposed anthology. McCann enters into the dialogue on issues of nationalism and literature; he views the current notion of a 'world literature' as an abstraction and juxtaposes it with the idea of a 'literature of globalisation'.

McCann uses Juan Goytisolo's novel State of Siege to illustrate his case. He views the novel as 'neither canonical nor consumerist in its orientation'. Rather than placing it 'outside the realm of the marketplace', McCann suggests that Goytisolo's work is in 'a productive (and commercially risky) dialogue with its dominant forms and discourses'. This is not 'world literature', he concludes, 'but its other, and we will only encounter it, and create it, by loosening a sense that discrete national cultures are our only defences against a global culture industry, and by questioning the idea that a term as perpetually mystified as "the popular" necessarily brings us closer to the interests and experiences it purports to represent'.

(p. 20-24)
The Shame of Cultural Warriors, John McLaren , single work criticism
'John McLaren ruminates on the fears underlying the so-called History Wars.' (Publisher's blurb)
(p. 34-37)
Note: Includes bibliography.
Shell Shock (from Sand and Steel, a work-in-progress), Greg Bogaerts , extract novel (p. 38-39)
Waratah Station (from a work-in-progress), Dennis McIntosh , extract novel (p. 40-43)
Somewhere South of Yokohama (from: The First Fire, a work-in-progress), Alana Kelsall , extract novel (p. 54-57)
Vincent Streeti"you're just driving home from a gig.", Kevin Gillam , single work poetry (p. 57)
Working the Clay, Richard Lawson , single work drama humour (p. 58)
The Man at the Topi"is climbing mowing the vast green", Christine Owen , single work poetry (p. 59)
Double Exposure : Marriage..and a Prime Ministeri"It's gone half-past the itching stage,", Nick Benjamin , single work poetry (p. 60)
Slow Things Arei"It's unbelievable how slow", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 61)
Black Cockatoo Daybreaki"Beside the road to the marina,", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry (p. 62)
Land's Edgei"in the plastic bag free town", Susan Pyke , single work poetry (p. 63)
Networkingi"Big room", Anthony Noack , single work poetry (p. 63)
Snuggled to No-Onei"Snuggled to on-one, with one's cheek -", Paul Celan , Murray Alfredson (translator), single work poetry (p. 63)
Prescriptionsi"Take your pills", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 64)
Thought on Impending Wari"One man stood", Lia Hills , single work poetry (p. 64)
No Changei"The other day", Will Fraser , single work poetry (p. 65)
The Gospel Truthi"Sunday morning I lie in bed", Geoff Goodfellow , single work poetry (p. 65)
G20 Geometryi"Exhibition Street riot police control", Gus Goswell , single work poetry (p. 66)
The Practicalities of Writing Poetry, John Leonard , single work essay (p. 67-69)