y separately published work icon Journal of Australian Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Note: Guest editors
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... no. 85 2005 of Journal of Australian Studies est. 1977 Journal of Australian Studies
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* Contents derived from the Perth, Western Australia,:API Network , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Rhetoric of Benevolence as an Impediment to the Protection of Indigenous Cultural Rights : A Study of Australian Literature and Law, N. E. Wright , Brooke Collins-Gearing , single work criticism (p. 57-68, notes 205-207)
Intimate Strangers : Contemporary Australian Travel Writing, the Semiotics of Empathy, and the Therapeutics of Race, Robert Clarke , single work criticism
'Increasingly, domestic white Australian travel narratives mobilise encounters with Aboriginality as contexts for political and ethical critiques of white hegemony that, in turn, reflect different manifestations of sympathetic white liberal discourses of reconciliation.... This paper focuses on how these narratives represent performances of a white Australian postcolonial sensibility towards Aboriginality that defines itself through a semiotics of empathy ... for Aboriginality, and how the co-ordinates of this semiotics shifted over the 1990s in response to movements in the Australian public sphere vis-à-vis the politics and ethics of reconciliation.' (Introduction)
(p. 69-81, notes 208-209)
Disgrace, Benang , and the Search for Benevolence, Paul Newman , single work criticism
Discusses J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace and Kim Scott's Benang.
(p. 83-96, notes 209-211)
The Challenges of Benevolence: The Role of Indigenous Actors, Maryrose Casey , Liza-Mare Syron , single work criticism (p. 97-111; notes 211-214)