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y separately published work icon Caring Cultures : Sharing Imaginations : Australia and India anthology   criticism   essay   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 2006 Caring Cultures : Sharing Imaginations : Australia and India
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* Contents derived from the New Delhi,
South Asia, South and East Asia, Asia,
Sarup , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Some Early Australian Storytellers and Their Tales, Bruce Bennett , single work criticism
Bennett's article provides a brief survey of some of the earliest Australian short stories, from the 1820s to the 1870s, giving a sense of the 'lively and engaging storytelling' of early colonial Australia (11).
(p. 6-12)
Singing the World Anew : Learning, Narration and Collaborative Culture in Kim Scott's 'True Country', Sudha Rai , single work criticism
Rai's article argues that Scott's True Country points towards a 'collaborative culture' in which a renewal of relationships may overcome the 'colonial culture of racism, stereotypes and misrepresentations' (50). Rai draws attention to the role of learning collaboratively, including the act of writing collaboratively, in bringing about this renewal.
(p. 42-52)
Metropolitan Landscape Internalised : Tranter's Poems on Sydney, Rashmi Bhatnagar , single work criticism
Bhatnagar draws attention to the centrality of Sydney in the poetry of John Tranter.
(p. 53-58)
The Irresistible Desire for Self Assertion in Miles Franklin and Arundhati Roy, Meenakshi Raman , single work criticism
Raman compares the work of Miles Franklin to that of Arundhati Roy, in terms of the authors' urge for self-assertion.
(p. 59-70)
O'Connor's Poetic Credo and Vedic Literature, Shalini Sharma , single work criticism
Sharmi reads O'Connor's poetry for its resonances with Vedic philosophy, particularly its emphasis on ecological balance.
(p. 71-83)
Mudrooroo's Meditative Musings of India, Sunita Bhadoria , single work criticism

Bhadoria's article discusses the influences that Colin Johnson's experiences of India and his awareness of Indian religious texts and philosophy have had on on his poetry.

(p. 112-123)
The 'Self' and the 'Other Selves' in Robert Gray's Poetry, Evelyn Eli , single work criticism (p. 124-130)
Kate Grenville's Mythopoeic Imagination : A Study of Her Novels, Atiqa Masih , single work criticism
The article examines the portrayal of female characters and the female voice in the novels of Kate Grenville.
(p. 131-141)
Multiculturalism in Contemporary Australian Fiction, Pradeep Trikha , single work criticism
The author reads a selection of contemporary Australian short stories for their portrayal of multiculturalism.
(p. 142-152)
Swapping Cultures : Translation as Quid Pro Quos, Anurag Sharma , single work essay
The article discusses the challenges of translation, taking as example the author's work in translating Les Murray's poetry into Hindi.
(p. 153-159)
Note: Written as: Anuraag Sharma.
Sanskriti"Upasara, the heifer after first mating,", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 160)
The Broad Bean Sermoni"Beanstalks, in any breeze, are a slack church parade", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 161)
The Cows on Killing Dayi"All me are standing on feed. The sky is shining.", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 162-163)
Note: Titled in this volume 'The Cow on Killing Day'.
Lotus Dami"Lotus leaves, standing feet above the water", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 164)
A Churning in Oceaniai"The burning disc refracted in the eyes of a fish", Satendra Nandan , single work poetry (p. 165-168)
Sailing Togetheri"So we thought we were sailing together", Satendra Nandan , single work poetry (p. 169)
A Remembrancei"She comes back into my life", Satendra Nandan , single work poetry (p. 170-171)
The Second Banishmenti"Rama returned home", Satendra Nandan , single work poetry (p. 172-173)
Stepsi"A man stepped along the packed granules of Geraldton coast", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 174)
Night Flighti"Entering this symmetrical hulk of metal which will fling us", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 175)