y separately published work icon Etchings periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... no. 1 2006 of Etchings est. 2006- Etchings
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* Contents derived from the , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
White Hati"As I'm washing up and noticing", T. M. Collins , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
Note: Written as Tim Collins
The Crooked Floori"The floor's crooked he'd say,", T. M. Collins , single work poetry (p. 13)
Note: Written as Tim Collins
Notes for Somebody in Berlini"You are worth keeping", Bel Schenk , single work poetry (p. 26-29)
Note: Written as Bel Schenk
Lightning Man, Laura Jean McKay , single work short story (p. 36-42)
Note: Written as Laura Jean McKay
Charulata's Silver Anklets, Subhash Jaireth , single work short story (p. 46-61)
Desincarne Disembodied, Meera Anne Atkinson , single work short story (p. 75-92)
My Eighth Autumn, Rebekah Clarkson , single work short story (p. 109-115)
Streetlight Nirvana, Lexi Paichnidi , single work short story (p. 118-126)
When I Sang, Peter Farrer , single work short story (p. 156-161)
She Comes From Text, Moya Costello , extract prose
The text describes and is inspired by book sculptures by Sue Rodwell.
(p. 164-167)
Note: illus.
Melbourne-New York Line (from a work-in-progress), Lee Kofman , extract novel (p. 168-173)
Breakdowni"This word is not big enough", Megan McKinlay , single work poetry (p. 174-175)
Portrait of the Artist as a Crumpled Horn, Richard Lawson , single work short story (p. 176-184)
Cooper's Beachi"So long we've talked of you.", B. Rutherford Benjamin , single work poetry (p. 185-187)
Holding On, Ross Watkins , extract novel (p. 188-200)