y separately published work icon Glass Cathedrals : New and Selected Poems selected work   poetry  
  • Author:agent Nicolette Stasko http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/stasko-nicolette
Issue Details: First known date: 2006... 2006 Glass Cathedrals : New and Selected Poems
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* Contents derived from the Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Salt Publishing , 2006 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Dislocationi"Each year", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 35)
Femme Assise Pres de la Fenetrei"Looking out windows", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 36)
Poem for Jessicai"The time for flowers has passed", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 37)
Irisesi"Those flowers", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 38)
4:00 a.m.i"milk white dawn", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 39)
Supermarket IIi"In the supermarket Ginsberg", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 40)
Ornithologyi"Two small birds", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 41)
Lumeah Streeti"Morning.", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 42-44)
Placei"Another day in a world", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 45)
Landscapesi"Enveloped in black", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 46)
Last Ritesi"Christ", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 47-48)
Remediosi"Again", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 49)
Hospital (Ward 2-S)i"Was it irony they called it", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 50)
At Depot Beachi"I wait on the verandah", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 51-54)
Hyperdomei"Vibrating", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 55-56)
The Lesson (for G.P.)i"I showed you", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 57)
A Simple Storyi"a strong wind", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 58-59)
Night Dreamingi"The morning finds us", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 60)
Letters to America (for Karen, Alane, My Sister Michele and Alice, My Mother)i"Savannah", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 61-65)
Kitchen Poemsi"Clearing off", Nicolette Stasko , single work poetry (p. 66)