y separately published work icon All About Books periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1936... vol. 8 no. 11 12 November 1936 of All About Books est. 1928 All About Books
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* Contents derived from the , 1936 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Gordon Pilgrimage to Ballarat, single work column
Brief report of the pilgrimage to Gordon's Memorial Cottage in Ballarat.
(p. 172)
New Australian Books, Frederick T. Macartney , single work review
— Review of Inheritors : A Novel Brian Penton , 1936 single work novel ; Gone Nomad : Twenty Years' Vagabond Wanderings in Three Continents Archer Russell , 1936 single work prose ; Tom Groggin and Other Poems Mary Lang , 1936 selected work poetry ;
(p. 173-174)
A Leaf for E. Coulson Davidson, Kate Baker , single work obituary (p. 175)
Best Sellers, single work column (p. 178)
The Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society of Footscray [Meeting Report], J. C. Davies , single work column
Report of the 21 October meeting where members stood for a moment's silence in memory of Coulson and 'Mr. Darcy'. Includes announcement of the imminent publication of Harrington's work, the progress of Baker's bronze relief fund, and a synopsis of Mr. J. McKellar's address on Lawson's prose.
(p. 180)
Australian Poetry Lovers' Association [Meeting Report], Samson Strong , single work column
Report of 'Poet's Night' where Boyd and Harrington were among those who read from their work.
(p. 181)
Sydney Lyceum Club [Meeting Report], Florence McGowan , single work column
At the Literary Circle Luncheon, Mrs John Metcalfe calls for improvement in Australian public library services citing for comparison the Los Angeles and Manchester Public Library systems.
(p. 181-182)
Fellowship of Australian Writers, Sydney [Meeting Report], Catherine Lindsay , single work column
Report of Gilmore's address to the Fellowship 'Reminiscences of Public Life'.
(p. 182)
Society of Australian Authors [Meeting Report], Cloie Williams , single work column
Cox advises the Society on the presentation of manuscripts.
(p. 182)
Australian Literary Society [Meeting Report], F. G. G. Hynes , single work review
— Review of The Little Wench Philip Lindsay , 1935 single work novel ; The Beauties and Furies Christina Stead , 1936 single work novel ; The Dark Thread Capel Boake , 1936 single work novel ;

Report of the October meeting includes three books reviews and a tribute to Davidson.

It was noted that the economic textbook Money by Mills and Walker had recently become the first Australian textbook to be used in an English University (Cambridge).

(p. 183)