y separately published work icon All About Books periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1936... vol. 8 no. 7 13 July 1936 of All About Books est. 1928 All About Books
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* Contents derived from the , 1936 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Royal Commission on Schoolbooks, single work prose
Report of the findings of The Royal Commission to inquire and report on the payment of moneys by way of royalties in respect of the compilation, preparation, publication or sale of textbooks prescribed, approved, suggested or recommended by the Education Department for use in schools in Victoria.
(p. 103)
Australian Author's Success, single work prose
Brief announcement with some biographical detail. Refers to Death's Mannikins as Death Plays With Dolls.
(p. 105)
Australian Novel Commended, single work review
— Review of Black Valleys M. W. Peacock , 1935 single work novel ;
(p. 105)
Best Sellers and A.B.A. Recommendations, single work column (p. 106)
Lindsay Gordon Lovers' Society, Eileen O'Neill , single work column
Report of the planting of a seedling grown from the tree on Gordon's grave at St. Helena's church.
(p. 108)
Memorial Tablet Unveiled, single work prose
Report of the unveiling ceremony of the plaque at Brighton.
(p. 108-109)
The Henry lawson Memorial and Literary Society of Footscray [Meeting Report], J. C. Davies , single work column (p. 109-110)
Australian Poetry Lovers' Association [Meeting Report], Samson Strong , single work column (p. 110)
Dramatists' Club of Australia [Meeting Report], Alice Best , single work column (p. 111)
Australian Literature Society [Meeting Report], F. G. G. Hynes , single work review
— Review of Central Australia C. T. Madigan , 1936 single work prose ; Maidens Beware : A Novel Mary Mitchell , 1936 single work novel ; Return to Coolami Eleanor Dark , 1936 single work novel ; The Foundations of Culture in Australia : An Essay Towards National Self-respect P. R. Stephensen , 1936 single work criticism ; She Travelled Alone in Spain Nina Murdoch , 1935 single work prose ; The Devil's First : A Novel Edouard A. Aujard , 1932 single work novel ;
The programme for the June meeting comprised six reviews of recent Australian books.
(p. 111-112)