y separately published work icon All About Books periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1931... vol. 3 no. 10 13 October 1931 of All About Books est. 1928 All About Books
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* Contents derived from the , 1931 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australia's Literature, Nettie Palmer , single work review
— Review of Red Dust : An Australian Trooper in Palestine Donald Black , 1931 single work autobiography ; Walpurgis and Other Poems Francis Jackson , 1931 selected work poetry ; Read in a Fire Ursula Clinton , 1931 selected work poetry ;
In addition to the reviews, Palmer reports on the reaction to Australian Book Week in London, remarks on the emergence of collections of short stories and new books expected.
(p. 194-95)
Australian Biography - Publishing Praised, single work extract
Reprint of an extract of a review of Mackaness' The Life of Vice-Admiral William Bligh from TLS 13 August 1931. In the reviewers opinion this work illustrates that Australian publications 'can challenge the best'.
(p. 195)
Was 'Earth Kindred' Undervalued?, Marion Miller Knowles , Nettie Palmer , Daniel Wrixon Thorpe , single work correspondence
Correspondence from Knowles and Mrs. P Thompson of Burwood objecting to Palmer's review of Earth Kindred, the latter in a particularly personal way. Palmer defends herself. Thorpe defends Palmer.
(p. 197)
[Untitled], Celia Albrey , single work column
This brief paragraph celebrates the first birthday of the Burns, Philp Queensland Monthly.
(p. 198)
The Impossible "She" : "Women" in Australian Verse, Ethel Anderson , single work criticism
Anderson objects to the absence of women in Australian poetry suggesting that Australian poets, after D.H Lawrence, think women not worth the effort.
(p. 198)
Famous Plays of 1931, E. C. Davidson , single work review
Davidson briefly reviews the five English plays about love and one "typically American" satire published in Famous Plays of 1931.
(p. 201)
Children's Books Described by a Girl of 12, J. T. , single work review
— Review of Hum of the Forest : An Australian Fairy Story Joyce Owen Starr , 1931 single work children's fiction ;
(p. 201)
Best Sellers and A. B. A. Recommendations, single work column (p. 202)
A Mixed Lot, G. W. Wicking , single work review (p. 204-205)
The Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society of Footscray [Meeting Report], J. C. Davies , single work column (p. 206)