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y separately published work icon Westerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2005... vol. 50 November 2005 of Westerly est. 1956 Westerly
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Fifty Years With A Blue Pencil, Delys Bird , Dennis Haskell , single work criticism
Discusses the history, editorial policies, funding, distribution and possible future directions of the Western Australian literary periodical, Westerly.
(p. 9-12)
Westerly Through The Rear-View Mirror, Bruce Bennett , single work criticism
Traces the 50-year history of the West Australian literary periodical, Westerly.
(p. 13-17)
Prison Diary, Robert Drewe , single work essay
'For three months Robert Drewe taught fiction writing at London's Brixton Prison. These notes are from his prison diary.' (Editor's note)
(p. 19-25)
In the Service of Complex Truths : The Aims and Art of Robert Drewe's Fiction, Michael Ackland , single work criticism
A discussion of Robert Drewe's repeated questioning in his writings of notions of 'truth'.
(p. 26-41)
A Memoir Of Sibling Bereavement (from : The Concert Angels, a work-in-progress), Sari Smith , extract short story (p. 42-45)
Diminished Responsibilityi"Summer late ten or eleven evry night", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 46-47)
Firebreaki"Somehow she thinks it's her fault and keeps apologising", Caroline Caddy , single work poetry (p. 47-48)
Young Boy With Daffodilsi"You are perfectly a boy", Lucy Dougan , single work poetry (p. 49)
Frangipanisi"They are shaped as a child would draw a flower,", Lucy Dougan , single work poetry (p. 50)
Inheritance: Fetish Sestinai"I couldn't but notice, driving the tractor in summer, that my wife's nightie - soft cloth", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 51-53)
The Artist Pretends to Feeli"Lang, Kristen", Kristen Lang , single work poetry (p. 54)
The Silver Parchmenti"It is as if gravity has been plucked", Jessika Tong , single work poetry (p. 55)
The Year's Work in Fiction, Kerryn Goldsworthy , single work review
Shortlisted books for the 2004-2005 Miles Franklin Literary Award.
(p. 56-67)
Lingua, Peter Manning , single work short story (p. 68-75)
A Visitor Most Unwelcome (from : An Olive Branch for Sante, a work-in-progress), Antonio Casella , extract novel (p. 76-81)
Untitled (from : The Censors' White Flare, a work-in-progress), Simone Lazaroo , extract short story (p. 82-86)
Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River, Miriam Wei Wei Lo , single work short story (p. 87-88)
Singapore and the Reali"That something exists doesn't necessarily mean that it's real.", John Mateer , single work poetry (p. 89)
The Kingsbury Tale, A Fragmenti"Perhaps you do not know this name?", Yu Ouyang , single work poetry (p. 91-92)
Not A Single Presupposition, Except My Ignorancei"Here you are in your chimerical disposition", James Quinton , single work poetry (p. 93)