y separately published work icon Jacket periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... no. 26 October 2004 of Jacket est. 1997 Jacket
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Robert Creeley, 1926-2005, Robert Adamson , single work prose
Robert Adamson remembers meeting Robert Creeley in Sydney in 1976.
Eurydice Reads 'Roots and Branches'i"The torch-light flares on the book's cover", Robert Adamson , single work poetry
Letter to Tom Raworthi"Before escaping from the clock self imposes", Robert Adamson , single work poetry
Wow, Those Symbolistsi"rimbaud's poems being taught in french schools", Robert Adamson , single work poetry
The Poetry of John Forbes, Ken Bolton , single work criticism
Port Lights Shadows & Particlesi"have sobered up", Louis Armand , single work poetry
Jurisprudencei"remind yourself that they don't know that", Liam Ferney , single work poetry