Issue Details: First known date: 2005... no. 148 June 2005 of Newswrite : The NSW Writers' Centre Magazine est. 1991 Newswrite : The NSW Writers' Centre Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 2005 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
On Syndication, Michael Wilding , single work column
Michael Wilding reflects on the pros and cons of syndicating book reviews. One the one hand, syndication introduces Australian audiences to overseas perspectives, but on the other, local reviewers are deprived of access to Australian newspapers.
(p. 3, 12)
Compulsion and Curiosity, Don Jordan , single work column (p. 7)
Memory, History and Place, Rae Luckie , single work column (p. 9, 22)
Discordant Disk, Darren Moyle , single work column (p. 11-12)
Learning Your Craft, Matthew Roberts , single work column (p. 13)
New Opportunities for Writers in the Regions, Peter Bishop , single work column (p. 14)
When the Town was Motherland, David Rowbotham , single work column
David Rowbotham, using the third-person voice, writes firstly of his success as an author and the envy he witnessed in others (particularly academics) who were not so successful. He then traces his life back to his childhood years in Toowoomba and recalls his family's life during the Depression.
(p. 15-16, 28)
Note: port. (David Rowbotham and Irina Dunn)
Poetic Photos, Jennie Sharpe , single work column
Sharpe describes the process of writing poems to go with David Evans's photographs for the collection Australia : Facing the South.
(p. 31, 33)
Oldies Goodies, Norm Neill , single work review
— Review of The Fat Lady Sings Doris Leadbetter , 2004 collected work poetry ;
(p. 33)
From Robin Hood to Bourdieu, Laurie Hergenhan , single work review
— Review of Running Wild : Essays, Fictions and Memoirs Presented to Michael Wilding 2004 anthology criticism biography short story essay ;
(p. 34)