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Issue Details: First known date: 1900... 1900 'Twixt Heather and Wattle : Poems
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:George Robertson , 1904 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Easter Hymni"See weeping Mary keep the watches of the night,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 96)
Hang Up the Children's Stockingsi"The children love Christmas, and welcome much its happy tide,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 97-98)
Sir Hector MacDonaldi"Majuba's hero. The Empire's soldier -", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 99)
The Lamp of Lovei"Thoughts of an ev'ning long since past", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 99-100)
Serenadei"Stars of a spring-time night,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 101)
Falling Snowi"As I gazed at a shadow - with sudden delight,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 102-103)
Prince Charlie's Seclusioni"Born for our own old Scotland's crown;", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 103-104)
Henry Clarence Kendalli"Wandering often in the glade", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 105)
A Dream of Loch Ryani"Last night a vision of the past", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 106-108)
Jennings Carmichael (Died in England, February 9th, 1904.)i"A garland of deathless flowers I fain would weave,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 108-109)
The News-Boysi"I hear their voices in the crowd,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 110-114)
Mary Queen of Scots, and Jamesi"A prisoner within Castle, Queen Mary, alone,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 115-116)
Prince Nigel Brucei"Within the battlements there paced.", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 116-119)
On Rosesi"Roses comely - and so white", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 119-120)
Golden Daffodilsi"'Neith dappled skies in meadows gay,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 121)
Violetsi"Smile! fair flowers so pure and blue,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 122)
Captain Kane, and H.M.S. 'Calliope'i"O'er fair Samoa trouble hung,", Joan Torrance , single work poetry (p. 122-124)
A Pleasure Just to Breathei"In boyhood's buoyant days when all is bright and clear,", single work poetry (p. 125)
Empire Buildingi"The Britisher's home children were by no means few;", single work poetry (p. 125-128)
Unseen Powersi"Give me the poet's lyre! Help me to sing, esteem,", single work poetry (p. 128-129)