y separately published work icon The Australian Woman's Mirror periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1929... vol. 5 no. 31 25 June 1929 of The Australian Woman's Mirror est. 1924-1961 The Australian Woman's Mirror
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* Contents derived from the , 1929 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Without Introduction, J. Lloyd Escot , single work short story
Hugh Maxwell falls in love with a girl, Hilary Westcott, whom he meets sitting on a bench on a cliff top. The attraction between them is mutual, but Hilary has a secret which she is unable to share with him.
(p. 6, 52 - 53)
The Enchanted Island, C. McEwen , single work short story
When Marti finds a young man, Larry, on 'her' island she immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion.
(p. 7, 50 - 51)
'The Jungle Chorus', single work column
The article comprises a brief introduction, followed by a lengthy extract from Birds and Green Places about the yellow-throated scrub wren.
(p. 11, 31)
Evening for Aunt Leciei"Jeanie's gettin' married in the mornin'.", Celia Albrey , single work poetry (p. 14)
The Laggard, Oriel (fl. 1929) , single work poetry (p. 15)
Neighbours, J. Botterill , single work poetry (p. 16)
Untitled, single work review
— Review of The Vanished Tribes James Devaney , 1929 selected work short story ;
A favourable review which describes the book as 'vivid, thrilling and amusing' and suitable for adults or children.
(p. 24) Section: Let's Talk About Books
Love's Shrinei"A perfume of carnations sweet", A. B. Crowther , single work poetry (p. 24) Section: Let's Talk About Books