y separately published work icon Margin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1981... no. 7 1981 of Margin est. 1977 Margin
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* Contents derived from the , 1981 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Marcus Clarke, Centenary Commemoration, Ian F. McLaren , single work column

Describes the official commemorative service for Marcus Clarke held at the R.A.C.V. Melbourne on 2 August 1981.

(p. 1-3)
For the Term of His Natural Life : 1927 Film Epic, Ian F. McLaren , single work column (p. 4-6)
Marcus Clarke and Humbug, Tess Nolan , single work column (p. 7-9)
Marcus Clarke Writes 'Home' to Mrs Zwilchenbart, Ian F. McLaren , single work column (p. 14-19)
In Memoriam : Marcus Clarke : OB: August 2, 1881, AET: 34i"The 'fitful fever' now is o'er", single work poetry (p. 20)
Note: Contributed by Lurline Stuart
Prologue : Mrs Marcus Clarke's Benefiti"After life's fitful fever he sleeps well!", Frank Hutchinson , single work poetry (p. 21-22)
Australians Dead and Gonei"Our dead and gone Australians!", single work poetry
A song which pays tribute to Australian writers - in particular Marcus Clarke.
(p. 23-24)
Note: Contributed by Tess Nolan [From Pat Finn's Annual, 1892/3, p.17]
Marcus Clarke, single work column (p. 25-27)
Note: Contributed by Ian Laurenson
Marcus Clarke at Dingley, Gillian Hibbins , single work column (p. 28)
Clarke Sketches, Veronica Kelly , single work column (p. 29)
Marcus Clarke and His Friends : An Interlude on Some of the Literary Figures in Melbourne in 1869, Lorraine Paul , single work drama
In this play, the actors assume roles of Marcus Clarke, his wife Marion, as well as prominent writers and journalists of the day.
(p. [31-42])