y separately published work icon The Weekend Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... 7-8 February 2004 of The Australian est. 1964 The Weekend Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Face : Nathan Bennison : Writer on the Outside, Victoria Laurie , single work biography (p. 3) Section: Review
Armourmenti"Across a grassy sward", Lyn Hatherly , single work poetry (p. 10) Section: Review
Slap and Tickle, Jodie Minus , single work biography (p. 13) Section: Review
Lives Most Interesting, Luke Slattery , single work column
Slattery states: 'Biography has crept out from the shadow of the literary giants it celebrates. It may be the pre-eminent liteary art of our time, or at least the literary art that expresses the time's deepest urges.'
(p. 44) Section: Review