Issue Details: First known date: 2003-2004... no. 133 December -January 2003-2004 of Newswrite : The NSW Writers' Centre Magazine est. 1991 Newswrite : The NSW Writers' Centre Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 2003-2004 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Arts as Another Kind of Drought, Carolyn Van Langenberg , single work column
Van Langenberg comments on the paucity of Arts reviews, especially lengthy review articles, in Australian newspapers, literary magazines and broadcast media.
(p. 3, 34)
Vision, Perspectives, Language, David Rowbotham , single work autobiography (p. 7, 31-32)
Does It Have a Future?, Richard Walsh , single work column
Richard Walsh forsees the future of the print media and the roles of intermediaries such as editors, publishers and agents.
(p. 9, 32)
A Grandson Reminisces, Hugh Tranter , single work biography
Hugh Tranter recalls the house of his grandparents, Pixie O'Harris and Bruce Pratt. The house, in Hopetoun Ave, Vaucluse, was named Tir-nan-oig, 'land of the blessed'.
(p. 11, 28)
Jen McVeity Reports Back, single work column
Brief report on the visit of Jen McVeity to the USA during 2003 to showcase the work of Australian creators of children's books. McVeity was travelling on a Churchill Fellowship.
(p. 16)
Why Self-Publish?, Lenore Rays , single work column (p. 29)
FreeXpresSion, single work column (p. 30, 33)
The Heights of Hypocrisy, Jose Borghino , single work column (p. 33, 22)