y separately published work icon Lilith periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 2003... no. 12 2003 of Lilith est. 1984 Lilith
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* Contents derived from the , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
'Me, Myself and Others' : A New Look at Catherine Helen Spence, Janette Helen Hancock , single work criticism
The author identifies 'a need for a greater understanding of the role that race has played in shaping social and political relations within Australian history. With this in mind ... [she intends] to re-vision our past by exploring the notion of the "historical innocence" of women through an examination of one woman, Catherine Helen Spence' (p.36).
(p. 35-49)
'Fear the Bitch Who Sheds No Tears' : The Persistence of the Female Scapegoat in Cultural Representations of Frontier Violence and Stolen Generations, Victoria Haskins , single work criticism
This 'article takes this powerful and resonant historical drama [Holy Day] as its focus in exploring the continuity of an Australian cultural depiction of womanhood in the representation of white women's role in colonialism' (p.50).
(p. 50-64)