Issue Details: First known date: 2003... vol. 13 no. 2 August 2003 of Papers : Explorations into Children's Literature est. 1990 Papers : Explorations into Children's Literature
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* Contents derived from the , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ozzie Kids Flee the Garden of Delight : Reconfigurations of Childhood in Australian Children's Fictions, Beverley Pennell , single work criticism
Beverley Pennell examines how late 20th Century Australian children's fictions have contributed to transforming the Western concept of childhood.
(p. 5-14)

Includes list of works cited.

Sighted: 29/03/18

Camphor Laurel : A Re-visitation of Desire, Kate McInally , single work criticism
Kate McInally examines the relationships between adolescent girls as expressed in Camphor Laurel.
(p. 27-36)

Includes list of works cited.

Sighted: 29/03/18

The Uses of Irony and the Carnivalesque in Leigh Hobbs' Picture Books, Nicole Humphrey , single work criticism
Nicole Humphrey examines how Leigh Hobbs uses discrepancies between his illustrations and text to create irony and humour in his picture books.
(p. 37-41)

Includes list of works cited.

Sighted: 29/03/18