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Issue Details: First known date: 2003... 2003 'Hier und anderswo' / 'Here and Elsewhere' : Ausgewahlte Gedichte / Selected Poems
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* Contents derived from the Berne,
Western Europe, Europe,
Peter Lang , 2003 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
All the Spring Long = Den ganzen Fruhling lang "All the spring long you may possess = Den ganzen Frühling lang gehört uns" All the Spring Longi"All the spring long you may possess", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 28-29)
Soliloquy for One Dead = Monolog fur einen Verstorbenen "Ah, no, Joe, you never knew = Ach nein, Jo, du hast das alles" Soliloquy for One Deadi"Ah, no, Joe, you never knew", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 30-31)
No Fixed Address = Ohne festen Wohnsitz "Here in solemn state lies one = Hier liegt einer feierlich aufgebahrt," No Fixed Addressi"Here in solemn state lies one", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 32-33)
Dial WX 4500 = Wahlscheibe WX 4500 "She was a blonde, but the bright planes of her face = Sie war eine blonde Schönheit, doch ihr helles Gesciht" Dial WX 4500i"She was a blonde, but the bright planes of her face", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 34-35)
Evening : Night = Abend : Nacht "At such a mauve = In einem mauvefarbenen" Evening : Nighti"At such a mauve", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 36-37)
For the Duration = Stehvermogen "Where we are now has a peculiar habit of seeming" For the Durationi"Where we are now has a peculiar habit of seeming", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 40-45)
Guilt by Association = Mitschuldig "There's a complicity that's fed by Time = Es gibt eine von Zeit und Raum gereifte" Guilt by Associationi"There's a complicity that's fed by Time", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 46-49)
"All day, day after day, they're bringing them home, = Den ganzen Tag, tagelang, schicken sie sie nach Hause," Homecomingi"All day, day after day, they're bringing them home,", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry war literature (p. 50-53)
How to Go on not Looking = Anleitung fur weiteres Nichthinsehen "How to go on not looking = Wie kann man trotz allem Anreiz" How To Go on Not Lookingi"How to go on not looking", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 54-57)
After You, Gary Cooper... = Nach Ihnen, Gary Cooper... "One of the main things I would say = Das eine, was ich" After You, Gary Cooper...i"One of the main things I would say", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 58-61)
Letting Go of Things = Loslassen "Beautiful, ah always so = Auf ewig schön" Letting Go of Thingsi"Beautiful, ah always so", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 62-63)
Any Shorter and I'd Have Missed it Altogether "Couldn't have hardly walked down the street I lived in = Bin die Strasse, in der ich wohne, wohl kaum mehr als" Any Shorter and I'd Have Missed it Altogetheri"Couldn't have hardly walked down the street I lived in", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 64-65)
The Boy (for V.P.) = Der junge Kerl "Was he smiling? = Lächelte er?" The Boyi"Was he smiling?", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 68-69)
What Lies on Us = Was auf uns liegt "We grew up in a time = Wir sind in einer Zeit aufgewachsen" What Lies on Usi"We grew up in a time", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 70-73)
In the Negative = Verneinungen "'No African parrots, I'm sorry' she said = 'Bedaure, keine afrikanischen Papageien,' sagte sie." In the Negativei"'No African parrots, I'm sorry' she said", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 74-75)
The Sadness of Madonnas = Die traurigen Madonnen "The sadness of madonnas is that they = Das Traurige an Madonnen ist, dass sie" The Sadness of Madonnas : On the Famous News-Photo of an Ethiopian Mother and Childi"The sadness of madonnas is that they", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 78-81)
My Experience of God = Meine Gotteserfahrung "Dear Father, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass = Verehrter Pater, ich bedaure, Ihrer freundlichen Einladung," My Experience of Godi"Dear Father, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 82-85)
That Other Room = Das andere Zimmer "Later, that other room will contain = Später werden sich in dem anderen Zimmer" That Other Roomi"Later, that other room will contain", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 86)
Kid Stuff = Kindersachen "You were broad-shouldered, rugged, already balding = Du warst breitschultrig, muskulös und hattest bereits schüttere Haare" Kid Stuffi"You were broad-shouldered, rugged, already balding", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 88-93)
A Footnote to Kendall = Fussnote zu Kendall "Yes, I remember the little buggers! = Ja, ich erinnere mich an die kleinen Biester!" A Footnote to Kendalli"Yes, I remember the little buggers!", Bruce Dawe , Manfred Jurgensen (translator) single work poetry (p. 94-97)