y separately published work icon The Emperor's Doorkeeper : Occasional Addresses selected work   prose   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1988... 1988 The Emperor's Doorkeeper : Occasional Addresses
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* Contents derived from the Adelaide, South Australia,:University of Adelaide Foundation , 1988 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The History of Poetry in South Australia : Sesquicentenary Public Lecture, June 30th, 1986, John Bray , single work criticism
The author traces the history of South Australian poetry writing, seeing it as falling into three rough chronological divisions: 1836-1936, in which South Australian writing followed the general Australian trends; 1936-1960, in which some unique and significant poetic movements were born; and 1960-1988, the 'contemporary' period.
(p. 3-18)
The Poetry of Charles Jury : Address to the English Association, 1960, John Bray , single work criticism
The author discusses the work of Charles Jury, noting the factors influencing his subject matter and his style, and considers his place in Australian, and particularly South Australian, writing.
(p. 19-38)