y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1867... vol. 2 no. 83 30 March 1867 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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* Contents derived from the , 1867 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Only a Woman's Hair, single work short story
Kentucky is the setting for Henry Hastings' narration of his love for the daughter of his employer, his near death and their separation. They leave reunited years later en route to Cuba when she dies in his arms during a shipwreck. (PB)
(p. 484-487)
No IV - Concerning Sydney, Grosvenor Bunster , single work prose
George Street, especially lower George Street and Pitt Street. (PB)
(p. 488-489)
The Sisters, Lilly Lee , single work short story
On the banks of the Yarra two sisters are reunited to tell the tale of their sorrows brought about by a cruel father, and morning finds one of them dead.
(p. 493-494)