y separately published work icon Kunapipi periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1982... vol. 4 no. 2 1982 of Kunapipi est. 1979 Kunapipi
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* Contents derived from the , 1982 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Crusadersi"Their gravestones edge a mound of soil", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 56)
The Perishedi"Invisible on the left wall", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 56-57)
`The Triumph of Death', Mark O'Connor , sequence poetry (p. 56-58)
The World of Foolsi"A lady's hands tease out her lap-dog's lips", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 57)
The Judgementi"Opposite is the ending.", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 57-58)
The Damnedi"Beyond,", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 58)
From the Terracei"What's to see in Enna? Sicily. The high", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 59-60)
Old Myths and New Delusions: Peter Weir's Australia, Livio Dobrez , Patricia Dobrez , single work criticism (p. 61-75)
Big Smoke Woman, David Vidler , single work short story (p. 76-82)
An Unsentimental Romance: Christina Stead's 'For Love Alone', Jennifer Strauss , single work criticism (p. 82-94)
Untitled, Bruce A. Clunies Ross , single work review
— Review of Cross Currents : Magazines and Newspapers in Australian Literature 1981 anthology criticism biography autobiography ;
(p. 149-154)
Relearning that Country, Ian Stephen , single work review
— Review of The Vernacular Republic : Poems 1961-1981 Les Murray , 1982 selected work poetry ; Equanimities Les Murray , 1982 selected work poetry ;
(p. 154-155)