y separately published work icon Kunapipi periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1981... vol. 3 no. 2 1981 of Kunapipi est. 1979 Kunapipi
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* Contents derived from the , 1981 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Alesundi"Gray sky and a sea of surly ripples", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 48)
Above Alesundi"From the high plateau mist swells", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 48-49)
Rundebranden Bird-Rock, Mark O'Connor , sequence poetry (p. 48-50)
Rundebranden Porti"Pied oyster-catchers, in their footman's suits", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 49)
Rundebranden Rocki"On this cliff where the thistledown blows up", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 49-50)
Letter Perfect, Mark O'Connor , single work short story (p. 51-55)
Messiahs and Millennia in Randolph Stow's Novels, Robyn Wallace , single work criticism

'The novels I shall concentrate on in discussing messiahs and millennia in Stow's work are To the Islands, Tourmaline, Visitants, and The Girl Green as Elderflower. Tourmaline and Visitants are the two which most clearly relate to millenarian themes. Tourmaline records the growth, and collapse, of a millenarian cult centred on the messianic or would-be messianic figure of the diviner Michael Random. Visitants is a structurally more complex exploration of three millenarian visions and their communal and personal repercussions, although the connotations of the title are not restricted to cargo or flying saucer cults.' (Publication abstract)

(p. 56-72)
Cleaning Out the Annexe Batignano, Il Conventoi"The chapel with ordinary sky roof and camomile paths", Thomas Shapcott , single work poetry (p. 73-75)
Teiresiasi"You wouldn't read about it:", Alison Croggon , single work poetry (p. 75)
Currency Decade: A Tribute, single work criticism (p. 141-143)
Three Australian Plays: From 1868 to 1979, May-Brit Akerholt , single work review
— Review of Colonial Experience Walter H. Cooper , 1868 single work drama ; Boy's Own McBeth : A Really Rotten Tragedy Grahame Bond , Jim Burnett , 1979 single work musical theatre ; Travelling North David Williamson , 1978 single work drama ;
(p. 144-148)
Various Reviews, Bruce A. Clunies Ross , single work review
— Review of The Peach Groves Barbara Hanrahan , 1979 single work novel ; The Everlasting Secret Family and Other Secrets Frank Moorhouse , 1980 selected work short story ; Hunting the Wild Pineapple and Other Related Stories Thea Astley , 1979 selected work short story ; War Crimes : Short Stories Peter Carey , 1979 selected work short story ;
(p. 148-151)
[Review] Flaws in the Glass, Rose Marie Beston , single work review
— Review of Flaws in the Glass : A Self-Portrait Patrick White , 1981 single work autobiography ;
(p. 151-153)