Issue Details: First known date: 2002... 2002 Selves Crossing Cultures : Autobiography and Globalisation
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Australian Scholarly Publishing , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Selves Crossing Cultures : Autobiography and Globalisation : Introduction, Rosamund Dalziell , single work criticism (p. xi-xix)
Locating the Self in Moral Space : Globalisation and Autobiography, David Parker , single work criticism (p. 3-21)
Whose Voice Was It Anyway? The Eighteenth-Century Colonial Experience of George Barrington, Suzanne Rickard , single work essay (p. 41-52)
The Self as Homeless : The Case of Martin Boyd, Joy W. Hooton , single work criticism (p. 79-90)
Orientalism and Nostalgia: Hal Porter and Japan, David McCooey , single work criticism (p. 91-101)
Immigrant Embarrassment and Self-Translation, Mary Besemeres , single work criticism (p. 102-111)
Strategic Remembering : Fabricating Local Subjects, Gillian Whitlock , single work essay (p. 162-177)
Hybridity and Autobiography: Eurasian Selves in Transnational Transit, Adrian Carton , single work essay (p. 181-195)
Experiences in the field : Negotiating Between Selves, Christine Watson , single work essay (p. 206-217)