Alternative title: ASIM
Issue Details: First known date: 2002... vol. 1 no. 1 June/July 2002 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine est. 2002 Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Boarding Pass, Chuck McKenzie , single work short story science fiction (p. 5-9)
Trade Barrier, Dave Luckett , single work short story science fiction (p. 10-31)
Fifi Rebels, Stas' Wiatrowski , single work short story science fiction (p. 36-49)
The Catling God, Trent Jamieson , single work short story (p. 50-55)
Fairy Godmother Express, Tansy Rayner Roberts , single work short story fantasy humour (p. 56-63)
The Last of Mr Benjimen, Rick Kennett , single work short story science fiction

'When a passenger ship sinks after a collision in fog, the witnesses at the subsequent inquiry give conflicting evidence on the last moments of the mysterious Mr Benjimen.'

Source: Author's website. (Sighted: 16/6/2014)

(p. 64-69)
The Ghoul Goes West, Stephen Dedman , single work short story horror

'Dracula’s Quincy Morris gets a lesson in vampire slaying in America’s Wild West' (Jason Nahrung, 'Vampires in the Sunburnt Country,' 2007, p.50).

(p. 70-79)
Reigning Cats and Dogs, Cat Sparks , single work short story science fiction (p. 80-91)
Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution, Ian Nichols , single work short story science fiction (p. 106-114)
Untitled, single work review
— Review of AustrAlien Absurdities : Comic Tales of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror by Australian Writers 2001 anthology short story ;
(p. 122)
Untitled, single work review
— Review of Agog! Fantastic Fiction : 29 Tales of Fantasy, Imagination and Wonder 2002 anthology short story ;
(p. 122)
Untitled, single work review
— Review of Circle of Nine Josephine Pennicott , 2001 single work novel ;
(p. 123)
Interview : Josephing Pennicott, single work interview (p. 124-126)