y separately published work icon Eve Rejects Apple : Poems selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1978... 1978 Eve Rejects Apple : Poems
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Sydney, New South Wales,:Angus and Robertson , 1978 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Eve Rejects Applei"In serene sixties strolling in the Louvre,", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 99)
Dans le Jardin de Mon Pere, les Lilas Ont Fleurii"Not in my father's garden,", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 100-101)
Song for Saint Joan of Arc's Dayi"Here in a dull gritty street of the eighteenth arrondissement", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 102)
Better to Bury Than Burn?i"Nothing is lost, the funeral pyre", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 103)
Getting Down to Iti"To my weed-high vision", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 104)
Listening to Silencei"All language is opening to me", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 105)
The Plane from Greecei"Snoring at tiger's tail, the emigrants", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 106)
Night Sonneti"What speaks to me in shadow what tingling threads", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 107)
The Dying Bereavedi"Only these last days they began their coming", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 108)
On a Noh Maski"What loving observation first fashioned", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 109)
Apparitioni"The hag in the mirror is looking at me", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 110)
The Other Side of the Mooni"A sad and sly-faced moon with pointed chin is weeping", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 111)
Incident at Mysiai"Insistent, indifferent, they clutch at his arms,", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 112)
Couplei"The bed of our marriage", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 113)
O Oedipus! O Mores!i"Innocent infant, sucking your thumb,", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 114)
To All Hereditary Princesi"Spawned like a plebeian, where's your cause for pride?", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 115)
Is That "Endowment"?i"Some children computers can't handle.", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 116)
Fairy Talesi"What is the teacher doing?", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 117)
A Woman Has Only Herself to Blame if She's Not Liberatedi"Like", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 118)
Detentei"Sign the late book. Stay after school,", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 119)