y separately published work icon The Courier Mail newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2002... 23 February 2002 of The Courier-Mail est. 1933 The Courier Mail
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* Contents derived from the , 2002 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
All Good Fun, Michael Kessler , single work criticism (p. 1-2) Section: BAM
In Defence of Freud, Robert King , Robert Schweitzer , S. Giac Giacomantonio , single work column (p. 2) Section: BAM
On the Bordersi"We're driving across tableland", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 5) Section: BAM
A Protesting Life, Erin O'Dwyer , single work criticism (p. 6) Section: BAM
Self Pityi"Have your jaws wired by a qualified surgeon at the Malago hospital", Judy Johnson , single work poetry (p. 7) Section: BAM
No Pity For This Poet, Cath Hart , single work criticism (p. 7) Section: BAM
Australian Story, Des Partridge , single work review
— Review of Rabbit-Proof Fence Christine Olsen , 2002 single work film/TV ;
(p. 11) Section: BAM
Untitled, James Harper , single work review
— Review of Emma's Nose Paul Livingston , 2001 single work drama ;
(p. 26) Section: Arts