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y separately published work icon A Cretive Life selected work   poetry  
  • Author:agent Philip Salom
Issue Details: First known date: 2001... 2001 A Cretive Life
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* Contents derived from the Fremantle, Fremantle area, South West Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Fremantle Press , 2001 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Geometryi"Benger Straight was famous for being 10 miles", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 9)
The Windmill and the Hill, Flyingi"The windmill spins and tail-swipes", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Noise : Sawing the Woodi"The long belt is all whispers and kissing,", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 12-13)
Precisioni"Born in precision, to carry on the trade", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 14-17)
Preservation : Things in Glassi"Hieronymous Bosch's choleric and full-of-dread", Philip Salom , sequence poetry (p. 18-26)
Bits of Ain'ti"A girl who packed each gladwrapped school lunch", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 19-20)
The Glassi"We glass things in for definition:", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 20)
Shipsi"Like ships in bottles, sails collapsed.", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 21)
Lefti"As the summer, boiled in syrup", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 22)
Dreamsi"The stars, the angels, the sky just below Orion", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 23)
Wholei"Through a glass darkly - the tenses, collapsed and cold.", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 23-24)
Preservationi"The dark bottle where summer swapped", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 24)
Choppedi"This block-bottle where summer refused", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 25)
Icei"When they lowered Houdini locked in a box into the icy river", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 25)
The Locked Boxi"We recognise the window from walking past it", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 25-26)
Late Arrival Passengeri"His discipline: electrons", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 27-28)
The Slacker End of Arthritisi"He feels at midday when they are stiff,", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 29-30)
Bells as They Can Amazei"In Italy being in churches when bells go off", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 31-32)
'Living the Cretive Life'i"1 / Africa / Well, it's all right for him", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 33-39)
A Visit to a Garden Nursery: or 'Advice to Young Poets' Poemi"The sign says Don't put your fingers", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 40-41)