y separately published work icon The Commonwealth Review periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1995-1996... vol. 7 no. 1 1995-1996 of The Commonwealth Review est. 1989 The Commonwealth Review
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* Contents derived from the , 1995-1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Literature of Australia : The Land and Her People, Vinod Bala Sharma , single work criticism
The article relates the geographical position and the natural distinctiveness of Australia to its art, culture, and the psyche of its people and their literary output.
(p. 15-18)
Sociological and Historical Perspectives on Australia as Portrayed by Contemporary Australian Writers, Rosemary Kerr , single work criticism (p. 19-27)
The Vernacular Republic : Les Murray's Poetic Transcription of Popular Culture, Anurag Sharma , single work criticism
The article analyses four poems by Murray, suggesting that 'for Murray the poet, the notion of convergence of three cultures - Aboriginal, rural and urban - is one of the basic planks of what he terms as Vernacular Republic' (40).
(p. 28-41)
Themes of Love and Death in the Poetry of Judith Wright and Sarojini Naidu, Bharathi T. , single work criticism (p. 42-49)
This Is to Mourn a Man : Judith Wright's "Interface I," "Interface II" and "Interface III", Madhumalati Adhikari , single work criticism (p. 50-60)
Judith Wright and the White Goddess : A View of "Fourth Quarter" and "Easter Moon and Owl", Urbashi Barat , single work criticism (p. 61-68)
The Changing Face of Australian Literature : Some Multi-Cultural Novels, Ron Shapiro , single work criticism
The article discusses the Indo-Australian connection in three novels which focus on migrant characters and the issues of assimilation and integration. The author tries to 'signal the changes that have occurred within Australian society in the attitude towards non-European immigrants, but equally the changing attitudes of immigrants themselves towards Australia and Australians' (77).
(p. 69-78)
Nations without States : The Search for Home in H. H.. Richardson's Fortunes of Richard Mahony and Yasmine Gooneratne's A Change of Skies, John McLaren , single work criticism (p. 79-86)
Bushes in Two Hemispheres : Susanna Moodie's Roughing It in the Bush and Yasmine Gooneratne's A Change of Skies, A. G. Khan , single work criticism
Author's introduction: 'Two women writers belonging to different hemispheres describe the immigrant experience to arrive at different conclusions. While Susanna Moodie's account was to educate the aspirants to not to risk the journey to Canada, Yasmine Gooneratne tries to drive away such apprehensions by asserting that Australia is a place that would not permit one to return home. This paper seeks to study human predicament in two different hemispheres of people caught up in adverse circumstances.' (87)
(p. 87-96)
Miles Franklin's My Brilliant Career : A Feminist Perspective, Madhuri Chatterjee , single work criticism (p. 97-100)
Humour in Elizabeth Jolley's My Father's Moon, K. Radha , single work criticism (p. 101-106)
The Theme of Entrapment in Peter Carey's Fiction, M. D. Fletcher , single work criticism (p. 107-112)
Parodying the Picaresque in Peter Carey's Illywhacker, M. D. Fletcher , single work criticism (p. 113-116)
Mandala Symbolism in the Novels of Patrick White, Shaik Samad , single work criticism (p. 117-123)
Text and Meaning : A Deconstructive Analysis of Patrick White's Voss, Deb Narayan Bandyopadhyay , single work criticism (p. 124-130)
Indomitable Spirit of Nature in Patrick White's Voss, V. C. Sudheer , single work criticism (p. 131-133)
A New Passage to India : Patrick White's The Tree of Man, Veronica Brady , single work criticism
Brady argues, and demonstrates, that White's novel has profound implications for an increase in understanding between Australian and Indian culture.
(p. 134-143)
Australian Short Fiction : The Last Thirty Years, Pradeep Trikha , single work criticism (p. 144-148)
Sense of Place in the Short Stories of Barbara Baynton, C. L. L. Jayaprada , single work criticism (p. 149-153)
Untitled, Suman Bala , single work review
— Review of Centering the Margins : Perspectives on Literatures in English from India, Africa, Australia Cynthia Van Den Driesen , 1995 multi chapter work criticism ;
(p. 171-173)