Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 The Outlaw Legend : A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:Cambridge University Press , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Bushrangers, Graham Seal , single work criticism (p. 119-146)
My Name is Ben Halli"My name is Ben Hall, from Murrurundi I came;", single work poetry (p. 135)
Note: With first line: 'My name is Ben Hall from Urunga. I came,'
The Death of Ben Halli"Come all young Australians, and every one besides,", single work poetry (p. 136-137)
The Streets of Forbesi"Come all you Lachlan men, and a sorrowful tale I'll tell", John McGuire , single work poetry (p. 137-138)
How He Died (McGuire's Poem)i"Come all you highwaymen, a sorrowful tale I'll tell'", John McGuire , single work poetry (p. 138)
The Death of Morgani"Throughout Australian history no tongue or pen can tell", Anonymous , single work poetry (p. 140, 142)
Moondyne Joei"The Governor's son has got the pip,", single work poetry (p. 144)
Outlaw to National Hero: The Case of Ned Kelly, Graham Seal , single work criticism (p. 147-179)
Stringybark Creeki"A sergeant and three constables set out from Mansfield town", single work poetry (p. 153)
Sticking Up The Euroa Banki"So Kelly marched into the Bank,", single work poetry (p. 156-157)
The Bold Kelly Gangi"Oh there's not a dodge worth knowing", single work poetry (p. 158)
The Ballad of the Kelly Gangi"Oh, Paddy dear, and did you hear the news that's going round,", Anonymous (fl. c.1878) , single work poetry (p. 161-163)
Kelly was Their Captaini"Come all you wild colonial boys and attention to me pay,", William Shawcross , single work poetry (p. 165-166)
Ned Kelly was a Gentlemani"Ned Kelly was a gentleman: many hardships did he endure.", single work poetry (p. 172)