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y separately published work icon Jubilee selected work   short story   novella  
Issue Details: First known date: 2001... 2001 Jubilee
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* Contents derived from the Pymble, Turramurra - Pymble - St Ives area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:HarperCollins Australia , 2001 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Diamond Pit, Jack Dann , single work novella (p. 7-76)
Going Under, Jack Dann , Shaun Tan , single work short story fantasy

'[A] speculation of the RMS Titanic as a modern-day thrill ride where passengers opt to go down with ship and die or choose to reserve a lifeboat and live'.


Strange Horizons ( (Sighted: 1/7/2014)

(p. 77-99)
Voices, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction (p. 100-109)
Fairy Tale, Jack Dann , single work short story (p. 110-134)
Marilyn, Jack Dann , Shaun Tan (illustrator), single work short story horror

'[A] Vietnam veteran's dream "synthesthesia" in which beautiful Marilyn Monroe is a sexed and winged apparition that can transfigure into its terrifying monster opposite'.

Source: Stranger Horizons ( (Sighted: 1/7/2014)

(p. 135-146)
The Black Horn, Jack Dann , single work short story fantasy
A unicorn in modern-day Miami.
(p. 147-166)
Bad Medicine, Jack Dann , single work novella fantasy (p. 167-189)
Tattoos, Jack Dann , single work short story (p. 190-211)
Camps, Jack Dann , single work short story

Described by a reviewer as the

reality-shifting story of the very ill, hospitalized Stephen, whose Demerol highs send him into an "ice blue dreamworld" where he dreams of being a Jew in a concentration camp. He recites his visions to his nurse, Josie, a former World War II nursemaid and one of the first servicewomen to enter the camps. Somehow, Stephen's dreams are eerily reminiscent of Josie's past.


Strange Horizons ( (Sighted: 1/7/2014)

(p. 212-237)
Da Vinci Rising, Jack Dann , single work novella science fiction

'"Da Vinci Rising" takes place in Florence, Italy, during the 15th-century. Leonardo Da Vinci, the unprecedented inventor, painter, sculptor, and architect, has promised Lorenzo de' Medici that in two weeks' time he'll be prepared to launch his great "flying machine," an invention that will "carry man in the air like a bird. . . ." A series of mishaps, design flaws, and accidents send Leonardo and his apprentice, Niccolo Machiavelli, back into his studio to rethink and redesign his "Great Bird." When his device is perfected, it's put to use in ways Leonardo cannot control.'

Source: Strange Horizons ( (Sighted: 1/7/2014).

(p. 238-299)
Kaddish, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction
A Jewish man grieving the death of his wife and son finds himself caught up in a series of time loops.
(p. 300-310)
The Extra, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction (p. 311-319)
A Quiet Revolution for Death, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction
In a future where left-brain thinking is out of fashion, a right-brain dominated society takes on a new view of death.
(p. 320-327)
Jumping the Road, Jack Dann , single work short story

A New York Times review described this work as

'a rabbinical tale set on a distant planet with many names and a maddening conundrum: a minority of the indigenous population (who have ''scaly skin like alligators and yellow eyes and seven fingers on each hand'') claim to be Jews – not converts to Judaism but naturally evolved Jews with their own covenant, Torah and Talmud (actually two Talmuds, just as on Earth), their own form of Hebrew and so on. When Rabbi Isaac ibn Chabib of Philadelphia is sent by his rabbi to investigate this preposterous claim, he is understandably skeptical. What he finds among the aliens forces him to reconsider his views on revelation, faith and the Holocaust, which – I can't say any more without doing violence to Dann's conception'.


Gerald Jones, 'Science Fiction', New York Times, 5 January 2003 (

(p. 328-357)
Blind Shemmy, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction
Participants at an 'organ-gambling' casino must save their own lives by baring their thoughts and feelings to their partners.
(p. 358-379)
Tea, Jack Dann , single work short story
A Brooklyn widow's only respite from loneliness is a man with an unforgivable past.
(p. 380-397)
Jubilee, Jack Dann , single work short story science fiction

'Peter Lindsay lives in Melbourne, Australia. Charles Blackford is an American trying to relive a happier time in Athens. Both men have lost their wives. And now they must decide how to cope with the overwhelming changes being wrought by transcendent emergences from the sea. This is the quintessential “First Contact” story, a mind-bendingly brilliant exploration into what is alien...and what it means to be human.'

Source: Wildside Press ( (Sighted: 1/7/2014)

(p. 398-438)
Afterword Slip Me a Fiver, Jack Dann , single work column (p. 439-442)
Note: With title: Afterword